Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:04:46 CEST | login

Information for build xs-opam-repo-6.35.6-1.xcpng8.2

Package Namexs-opam-repo
SummaryBuild and install OCaml libraries from Opam repository
DescriptionOpam repository that contains all libraries necessary to compile the Toolstack components of the Citrix Hypervisor.
Built bykojiadmin
State complete
StartedMon, 17 May 2021 14:56:35 CEST
CompletedMon, 17 May 2021 15:02:06 CEST
Taskbuild (v8.2-testing, /xcp-ng-rpms/xs-opam-repo.git:bbed5d027aa0b43f425a90226d179908cdda4793)
Extra{'source': {'original_url': 'git+'}}
xs-opam-repo-6.35.6-1.xcpng8.2.src.rpm (info) (download)
xs-opam-repo-6.35.6-1.xcpng8.2.x86_64.rpm (info) (download)
xs-opam-repo-debuginfo-6.35.6-1.xcpng8.2.x86_64.rpm (info) (download)
Changelog * Mon Feb 15 2021 Ben Anson <> - 6.35.6-1 - UPD-678 bump ezxenstore to v0.4.1 * Thu Feb 11 2021 Ben Anson <> - 6.35.5-1 - CA-350872: backport change in rsa check * Thu Feb 11 2021 Ben Anson <> - 6.35.4-1 - detect failed downloads * Thu Feb 11 2021 Ben Anson <> - 6.35.3-1 - maintenance: fix broken links for oasis, ocamlify, ocamlmod * Thu Feb 11 2021 Ben Anson <> - 6.35.2-1 - bump stdext to v4.11.2 - tools: change distro variable for travis CI - stockholm: point to lcm branches * Mon Sep 28 2020 Ben Anson <> - 6.35.1-1 - CA-342171 bump stdext for Stockholm * Tue May 12 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.35.0-1 - CA-338596: Update xe to use fpath - CA-338596: Move fpath to upstream - CP-33121: remove unused stdext-bigbuffer - Sync opam dependencies for xs-extra/ from source repos - upstream-extras: add ocamlformat * Fri Apr 24 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.34.0-1 - CA-338243 bump stdext to fix date/time parsing and unparsing * Mon Apr 20 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.32.0-1 - CA-333908 bump stdext with datetime changes - CP-32669: add randomconv to be able to test mirage-crypto-pk - CP-32669: update ppx_tools to 6.0 - CP-32669: update mirage-types packages to 3.6.0 - CP-3266: update mirage-protocols packages to 3.1.0 - CP-32669: synchronize ssl package with upstream - CP-32669: update x509 to 0.11.0 - CP-32669: update menhir to 20200211 - CP-32669: update upstream-extra packages - CP-32669: update ppx_tools_versioned to 5.3.0 - CP-32669: update base64 to 3.4.0 - CP-21669: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.7.1 - CP-32669: update bigstringaf to 0.6.1 - CP-32669: update ocplib-endian to 1.1 - CP-32669: update dune packages to 2.5.0 - CP-32669: update sha to use 1.13 - CP-32669: Add pci v1.0.2 - Don't use COPY --chown in Dockerfile * Fri Apr 03 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.31.0-1 - Fix name of dependency * Fri Apr 03 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.30.0-1 - CP-33380: Replace nocypto with mirage-crypto - CP-32669: update xs-extra opam files * Thu Apr 02 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.29.0-1 - fixup! REQ-811 pin nbd, and all opam files to xs - REQ-811 pin nbd, and all opam files to xs * Mon Mar 30 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.27.0-1 - CP-33380: Fix installation of dlm with dune 2 - CP-33354 bump xcp-rrd * Fri Mar 27 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.26.0-1 - CP-33380: Update dune to 2.4.0 - travis: follow validator's suggestions - CP-33380: update message-switch tests for dune 2 - CP-32669: remove craml package - CP-32669: update travis-opam to 1.5.0 - CP-32669: update qtest to 2.10.1 - CP-32669: Update ppx_deriving_rpc to 6.1.0 - mainteance: update stdext's opam files - merge rrddump with xcp-rrdd - Print more log lines on build failures - maintenance: rrddump pointing at incorrect repo - maintenance: remove vncproxy - maintenance: remove lindig from - maintenance: move xenctrl repo to xapi-project - maintenance: remove rrd.transition * Tue Mar 10 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.25.0-1 - CP-32663: Update x509 to 0.9.0 - CP-27904: nuke sha1 out of orbit - maintenance: upgrade Dockerfile to ocaml 4.08 * Wed Feb 12 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.24.0-1 - maintenance: update metadata for xs-extra packages - maintenance: update travis build instructions - CP-29837: use odig so docs can be built - CP-32669: update ctypes to 0.16.0 - CP-32669: update ounit packages - CP-32669: update asn1-combinators * Mon Jan 06 2020 Christian Lindig <> - 6.23.0-1 - CP-32669: update shared-block-ring to 2.5.0 - CP-32669: update ounit to 2.2.1 - CP-32669: update dune 1.11.4 - CP-32669: update xenstore to 2.1.1 - CP-32669: update uri packages to 3.1.0 - CP-32669: update rpclib packages to 6.1.0 - CP-32669: update lwt to 4.5.0 - CP-32669: update duration to 0.1.3 - CP-32669: update cstruct packages to 5.1.1 - CP-32669: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.5.0 - CP-32669: update num to 1.3 - CP-32669: update octavius to 1.2.2 - CP-32055: update x509 to 0.8.1 - maintenance: update merlin for ocaml 4.08.1 - Use OCaml 4.08 by default, 4.09 speculatively - wsproxy: fix dependencies, add lwt_log - Add fmt >= 0.8.8 to xapi-xenopsd * Wed Dec 04 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.22.0-2 - Don't install ppx_tools.5.1 for OCaml 4.08 compatibility * Mon Nov 04 2019 Pau Ruiz Safont <> - 6.22.0-1 - xs: bump xcp-rrd * Tue Oct 29 2019 Pau Ruiz Safont <> - 6.21.0-1 - xs-extra: sync metadata with repos - xs: update xapi-rrd to v1.7.0 * Tue Oct 29 2019 Pau Ruiz Safont <> - 6.20.0-1 - Add xenops-cli - CP-32138: Add logs-syslog and dependencies - upstream-extra: update ocp-indent checksum - upstream-extra: add crowbar for testing - xs-extra: sync metadata with repo * Mon Sep 30 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.19.0-1 - CP-32055: Update angstrom to 0.12.1 - CP-32055: remove unused packages - CP-32055: update diet to 0.4 - CP-32055: update opam-ed - CP-32055: keep toolstack packages up-to-date - CP-32055: update ssl to 0.5.9 - CP-32055: update lwt to 4.3.1 - CP-32055: update menhir to 20190924 - CP-32055: update ppxlib to 0.8.1 - CP-32055: update bigstringaf to 0.6.0 - CP-32055: update utop and ocp-indent - CP-32055: update janestreet packages - CP-32055: update utop to 2.4.1 - CP-32055: update camomile to 1.0.2 - CP-32055: update lwt_react to 1.1.3 * Fri Sep 06 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.18.0-1 - CP-32055: update x509 to 0.7.1 - CP-32055: update zarith to 1.9.1 - CP-32055: update ctypes to 0.15.1 * Tue Sep 03 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.16.0-2 - Avoid installing ppx_tools.5.3+4.08.0 * Tue Sep 03 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.16.0-1 - add ppx_tools 5.3+4.08.0 for OCaml 4.08 - Add 4.08 for testing - CP-32055: move core_kernel to correct folder - CP-32055: update bigstringaf to 0.5.3 - CP-32055: update magic-mime to 1.1.2 - CP-32055: update lwt_ssl to 1.1.3 - CP-32055: update lwt_log to 1.1.1 - CP-32055: update lwt to 4.3.0 - CP-32055: update menhir to 20190626 - CP-32055: update logs to 0.7.0 - CP-32055: update dune to 1.11.3 - CP-32055: update fmt to 0.8.8 - CP-32055: update mirage-protocol packages to 3.0.0 - CP-32055: update mirage-profile to 0.9.1 - CP-32055: update mirage-console packages to 2.4.3 - CP-32055: update cohttp packages to 2.3.0 - CP-32055: update mirage-types packages to 3.5.2 - CP-32055: update mirage-time packages to 1.3.0* * Fri Aug 23 2019 Edwin Török <> - 6.15.0 - CP-32055: update Jane Street ecosystem to v0.12 - CP-32055: update ppx_deriving to 4.4 - CP-32055: update ppx_tools_versioned to 5.2.3 - CP-32055: update mtime to 1.2.0 - CP-32055: update io-page packages to 2.3.0 - CP-32055: update ocam-migrate-parsetree to 1.4.0 - CP-32055: update ocamlfind to 1.8.1 - CP-32055: update biniou to 1.2.1 - CP-32055: update num to 1.2 - CP-32055: update topkg to 1.0.1 - CP-32055: update bigstringaf to 0.5.2 - CP-32055: update easy-format to 1.3.2 - CP-32055: update cmdliner to 1.0.4 - CP-32055: update dune to 1.11.1 * Wed Aug 07 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.14.0-1 - xcp-rrd update to 1.6.0 for CA-322008 - xs-toolstack: remove unused xapi-netdev dependency - Remove unused xapi-netdev package - xapi: remove unused netdev dependency - Add a build that also runs the tests * Fri Jul 26 2019 Rob Hoes <> - 6.13.0-1 - Fix xapi-test-utils opam dependencies * Fri Jul 26 2019 Rob Hoes <> - 6.12.0-1 - Update xapi-test-utils to 1.3.0 - Update ezxenstore to 0.4.0 - Drop rpc completely from opam files, do not keep it as optional - Update http-svr opam file from repo - update dummy xapi-clusterd to latest - Do depext after switching to 4.07 - use rpclib instead of rpc when available * Mon Jul 01 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.11.0-1 - Update xenstore_transport to 1.1.0, fixes CA-289145 * Mon Jun 10 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.10.0-1 - Remove obsolete packages: cow, omd, caml2html - CP-30756: update cstruct packages to 5.0.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-block-unix to 2.11.2 - CP-30756: update dune to 1.10.0 - CP-30756: update ppx_tools_versioned to 5.2.2 - CP-30756: update ppxlib to 0.8.0 - CP-30756: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.3.1 - CP-30756: update result to 1.4 - CP-30756: update uri to 2.2.1 - CP-30756: update ocaml-compiler-libs to v0.12.0 - CP-39756: update stringext to 1.6.0 - CP-30756: update cppo packages to 1.6.6 - CP-30756: update sapwn to v0.13.0 - CP-30756: update xen-gnt packages to 4.0.0 * Wed Jun 05 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.9.0-1 - Update stdext to 4.7.0 - CP-30756: Update base64 - maintenance: ignore files created for archiving * Tue May 28 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.8.0-2 - explicitly require xs-opem-src > 5.1.0 which defines _opamroot * Wed May 22 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.8.0-1 - CA-318579 update qmp to 0.18.0 for "query-chardev" - CP-30756: update tar packages to 1.1.0 - CP-30756: update cstruct packages to 4.0.0 - CP-30756: update nocrypto to follow opam-repository - xapi-rrd: update to 1.5.0 for CA-315952 XSI-335 * Thu May 16 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.7.0-1 - CP-30756: update hex to 1.4.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-console packages to 2.4.2 - CP-30756: upgrade mustache to 3.1.0 - CP-30756: upgrade ppxlib to 0.6.0 - CP-30756: update logs to 0.6.3 - CP-30756: update mirage-flow packages to 1.6.0 - CP-30756: update ezjsonm to 1.1.0 - CP-30756: update ppxfind to 1.3 - CP-30756: update fmt to 0.8.6 - CP-30756: update ptime to 0.8.5 - CP-30756: update io-page packages to 2.2.0 - CP-30756: update octavius to 1.2.1 - CP-30756: update lwt to 4.2.1 - CP-30756: update cpuid to 0.1.2 - CP-30756: update ppx_derivers to 1.2.1 - CP-30756: Update opam-depext to 1.1.3 - CP-30756: Update mmap to 1.1.0 - CP-30756: Update dune to 1.9.3 - CP-30756: Update re to 1.9.0 - rrd-transport: add ezjsonm dependency - CP-30136: qmp.0.17.0 - Travis: use "opam switch 4.07" - Travis: use debian-unstable - xapi.master: add libxxhash-dev external deps - xapi-test-utils: update to 1.2.0 * Tue Apr 02 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.6.0-1 - CA-314001: xapi-stdext 4.6.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-types packages to 3.5.0 - CP-30756: Update ipaddr to 3.1.0 and dependents - CP-30756: Update mirage-clock packages to 2.0.0 - CP-30756: Update angstrom to 0.11.2 - CP-30756: Update lwt to 4.2.0 - CP-30756: Update bisect_ppx to 1.4.1 - Don't package upstream-extra packages * Tue Mar 19 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.5.0-1 - CP-30756: update mirage-device to 1.2.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-block-unix to 2.11.1 - CP-30756: update xen-gnt packages to 3.1.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-stack packages to 1.4.0 - CP-30756: update vhd-format packages to 0.12.0 - CP-30756: update uuidm to 0.9.7 - CP-30756: update mirage-block packages to 2.4.1 - CP-30756: update mirage-console packages to 2.4.1 - CP-30756: update angstrong to 0.11.1 - CP-30756: Update mirage-channel packages to 3.2.0 - CP-30756: update bigstringaf to 0.5.0 - CP-30756: update xenstore to 2.1.0 - CP-30756: update uutf to 1.0.2 - CP-30756: update uri to 2.2.0 - CP-30756: update tar libraries to 1.0.1 - CP-30756: update ppxlib to 0.5.0 - CP-30756: update cstruct packages to 3.3.0 - CP-30756: Update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.2.0 - CP-30756: update ocamlbuild to 0.14.0 - CP-30756: update magic-mime to 1.1.1 - CP-30756: update ipaddr to 2.9.0 - CP-30756: update io-page to 2.1.0 - CP-30756: update hex to 1.3.0 - CP-30756: update ezjsonm to 1.0.0 - CP-30756: update duration to 0.1.2 - CP-30756: updater alcotest to 0.8.5 - CP-30756: update dune to 1.8.2 - CP-30756: update yojson to 1.7.0 - fix: copy files as user opam instead of root * Fri Mar 15 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.4.0-1 - stdext 4.5.0 - updated opam files in upstream/ - add back patch for CA-297060 * Tue Jan 22 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.3.0-1 - Update Dune to 1.6.3 - Use new xenctrl.master for Travis builds * Tue Jan 15 2019 Christian Lindig <> - 6.2.0-1 - Update nbd to 4.0.0+beta3 for CA-307773 * Thu Jan 10 2019 Konstantina Chremmou <> - 6.1.0-1 - Catch up with upstream, Lwt 4.1 - xenctrl: add missing dependency - ezxenstore.0.3.0 -> ezxenstore.0.3.1 - fd-send-recv.2.0.0 -> fd-send-recv.2.0.1 - opasswd.1.3.0 -> opasswd.1.3.1 - netlink 0.3.3 -> netlink.0.3.4 - qmp.0.15.0 -> qmp.0.15.1 - rrd.1.4.0 -> rrd.transition and xapi-rrd.1.4.0 -> xapi-rrd.1.4.1 - Some packages ported to Dune * Fri Dec 14 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.7.0-1 - vhd-format.0.10.0 => vhd-format.0.11.0 - cdrom.0.9.3 => cdrom.0.9.4 - dlm.0.3.0 => dlm.0.3.1 - nbd.4.0.0+beta1 => nbd.4.0.0 - rrd.1.3.0 => rrd.1.4.0 - xapi-rrd.1.3.0 => xapi-rrd.1.4.0 - Many packages ported to Dune * Fri Dec 07 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.6.1-2 - Block Opam from downloading packages; only use cache * Thu Dec 06 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.6.1-1 - fix missing cache entries in 5.6.0 * Mon Dec 03 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.6.0-1 - Update xapi-inventory to 1.2.1' - Fix Dockerfile - Deprecate xcp and xcp-inventory * Fri Nov 30 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.5.0-1 - menhir.20181026 => menhir.20181113 - crc.2.0.0 => crc.2.1.0 - ezxenstore.0.2.0 => ezxenstore.0.3.0 - netlink.0.3.1 => netlink.0.3.2 - mirage-random.1.1.0 => mirage-random.1.2.0 - various small changes * Thu Nov 15 2018 Jon Ludlam <> - 5.4.0-1 - bigstringaf 0.3.0 -> 0.4.0 - menhir 20181006 -> 20181026 - ppx_bin_prot v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_compare v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_enumerate v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_hash v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_sexp_conv v0.11.1 -> v0.11.2 - ppx_typerep_conv v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_variants_conv v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppxlib 0.2.2 -> 0.3.1 - rpclib 5.9.0 -> 6.0.0 - qmp 0.14.0 -> 0.15.0 - added utop and its dependencies - removed ppx_type_conv and ppx_driver * Mon Nov 05 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.3.0-1 - xapi-backtrace: v0.6 -> v0.7 - Sync opam files from component repositories - Restored mustache in xapi-datamodel deps. - Ported xen-api-sdk to dune. - ssl.0.5.6 -> ssl.0.5.7 * Wed Oct 24 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.2.0-1 - catching up with upstream libraries: alcotest cohttp cohttp-async cohttp-lwt cohttp-lwt-unix conduit conduit-async conduit-lwt conduit-lwt-unix dune menhir rresult ssl topkg uri * Tue Oct 09 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.1.0-1 - CA-297060 speculative patch for time functions in Core lib - make opam depext work again in Travis - simplify files section * Tue Oct 02 2018 Christian Lindig <> - 5.0.0-1 - First xs-opam based on Opam 2 tooling